

Monday, December 11, 2023

Bluebagbang's 'Bruto Amor': A Non-Commercial Vinyl Love on Side B

In a music scene often dominated by commercial hits, bluebagbang’s latest single, ‘Bruto Amor,’ emerges as a heartfelt ode to love in its rawest form. Founded by São Paulo native Marina Hungria, this project brings a refreshing authenticity to the forefront, celebrating the beauty of unconventional romance.

 ​Por Tina Sollosky

Teaming up with Márcio Lugó, the genius behind the music production, bluebagbang delivers a captivating narrative through ‘Bruto Amor,’ a track that transcends boundaries and societal norms. The song, released today, November 24, on digital platforms, offers a sonic journey that echoes the essence of non-commercialized love.

What makes this release truly exceptional is not just the music but the accompanying visual masterpiece. The music video, meticulously crafted by Marina Hungria, ingeniously pieces together public domain film footage. This montage intricately weaves together moments featuring LGBTQIA+ couples, painting an evocative and poignant portrayal of love’s diverse tapestry.

What permeates the film is the imaginary of the homosexual universe, which has always been considered a side b and marginalized love

“We made a mix with videos that are in the public domain and also current videos. What permeates the film is the imaginary of the homosexual universe, which has always been considered a side b and marginalized love,” says the artist. Excerpts from audiovisual works dating from 1894 to 2010 were used - one of them, in fact, is part of a 1961 short film, Boys Beware, created with the intention of being an anti-gay propaganda, but now used with the purpose of pride in the continuous struggle of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Marina Hungria's editing prowess breathes life into these captured fragments, giving them a new context and meaning, all in synchronization with the powerful beats of ‘Bruto Amor.’ The result is a mesmerizing visual symphony that captures the raw emotions, struggles, and jubilations of love that defies societal norms. bluebagbang’s single isn’t just about the music; it’s a statement—an embrace of love in all its forms. ‘Bruto Amor’ is a testament to the unfiltered, unapologetic, and beautifully imperfect nature of genuine affection. It beckons listeners to immerse themselves in a world where love knows no boundaries, no prejudices, and certainly no commercialization. This release isn't just a musical endeavor; it’s a movement—a call to celebrate love’s authenticity and diversity. It challenges the status quo and invites us all to embrace the beauty of love, however unconventional it may seem. So, as 'Bruto Amor' hits the digital airwaves today, it brings with it not just a song but an invitation—to revel in the non-commercial, vinyl love on side B that bluebagbang so passionately portrays. Let’s tune in, watch, and listen as Marina Hungria and Márcio Lugó create an anthem for love in its purest and most unadulterated form.