

Buenos Aires, Thursday, December 28, 2023.

AVTUMNE Unleashes Emotional Journey with 'Left in October'

AVTUMNE, the red-headed Cuban-American indie rock sensation hailing from the vibrant streets of Miami, has once again left an indelible mark on the indie music scene with her latest release, 'Left in October.' This compelling track is a testament to her unique blend of indie alternative rock, infused with a nostalgic nod to the '90s.

 ​Por Tina Sollosky

Known for her powerful vocals, poetic lyricism, and infectious melodies, AVTUMNE has crafted a musical journey that dives into the depths of unrequited love, lust, loss, and the inevitable passage of time. Collaborating with Latin Alternative Rock artist Marthin Chan of Afonico Music, AVTUMNE has managed to create a sonic experience that resonates with listeners on a profound level. The song's genesis lies in AVTUMNE's experiences living in Washington DC during the tumultuous days of the Covid-19 pandemic. 'Left in October' stands as a poignant reminder of the power of music as an escape during the darkest of times. AVTUMNE reflects on this, stating, 'Music was my escape during dark winter days. It was a space of reflection, and I hope other listeners see my music this way as well, a portal to escape to and reflect with at 3 AM.'

AVTUMNE's music isn't just a soundscape; it's a canvas that paints a vivid picture of her emotions, drawing inspiration from her Cuban and Galician roots. Her deep lyrics carry a dual purpose, evoking both female empowerment and folkloric symbolism. The rebellious spirit and love for rock music are unmistakably reflected in her unique style, often adorned in Doc Martens. One cannot discuss AVTUMNE without mentioning her fiery red hair, a symbolic representation of her passionate personality and zest for life. It's a characteristic feature that complements her music's intensity, creating a visual synergy with her sonic artistry.

'Music was my escape during dark winter days. It was a space of reflection, and I hope other listeners see my music this way as well, a portal to escape to and reflect with at 3 AM.'

Comparisons to iconic figures in the music industry are inevitable. AVTUMNE's strong vocals draw parallels to Dolores from the Cranberries, while the dark velvet undertones of Lana Del Rey add a layer of complexity to her sound. The energy of Paramore and the lyrical angst reminiscent of Alanis Morissette further enrich the tapestry of AVTUMNE's musical identity. 'Left in October' is not merely a song; it's an emotional journey, a cathartic experience that invites listeners to introspect and escape into the world crafted by AVTUMNE. With each note, she invites us to join her in this sonic exploration, creating a connection that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

As AVTUMNE continues to redefine the indie rock landscape, 'Left in October' stands as a testament to her prowess as a songwriter and an artist unafraid to explore the depths of human emotion through her music. This release is bound to resonate with fans of indie alternative rock and anyone seeking a musical escape into the raw, authentic world of AVTUMNE.